although im not in the best of my moodz,
frenz cum to me for rectifyin advicez
although diz may sound a bit crude
but i hate listenin to all the shit dat happen to their life
listenin to their stoopid probz,itz burnin my ass
sittin there firing my earz complainin at their side
im confessin,
i hate to listen like i give a bloody shit abt wadz been happenin
itz not dat i give a freak dat their girlfren'z heart they'd been breakin
itz nice for you to tink dat i care
but i dun if i know you dun exist here
i can explain to you all freakz usin my flair
listenin to your problemz iz not wad i cud bear
im confessin
i hate you people whom i called frenz been blabberin
about me being a bitch, thankz datz very flatterin
givin me the loser look, very appealin
your attitude towardz my creativity makes me bitchin
stop the pathetic confrontationz coz im lovin diz
i hate all these people im meetin and you're in my hate-list
fanatically egoistic, before callin me namez, give my huge ass a kizz
dumbasz mother-freak rhink they're so big
only the time when i give you a piece of my mind, den you'll freak
im confessin,
i hate people who said they're appreciatin my werk
sayin dat i cud be a freakin writer, juz give me a break
freakin liar i got az frenz
callin me freakin poseur and a wannabe brand
jealousy has ripped through their remotely useless heartz
not like some people i truly understand how ya feelin like readin a damn chart
haha!being jealous of me iz a common thing to see
i knoe im good and im wae better den you
i can write songz wif my mind broad, wide and free
like swimmin freely in the sea
wad im confessin here are all true
im bringin back are all my bad memoriez and all the bluez
itz history but it keep repeatin itself
all along i haf been hidin my feelingz in the shelf
but now, i am smarter den dat
i am ultimately better, im fresh, werdz of venge in my brain gettin a lil' fat
burstin to be released of all the resention
here are my confessionz
Stammerin wif werdz spillin my mouth,
vocabulary diminishin in my mind
cant say it out loud but i like to take back wadz mine
my heart'z aint opein
bullshit thingz happen in my life ain't leavin
wad can i do to make these go away
my life haz gone awry
my mind'z gone array
my heart'z startin to expitiate
i cannot take diz anymore of diz shit
i want to run away, far away from here
but nowhere to go and itz the outside world i fear
may God bless me...
Bro dear,
To look at the bright side
and open your heart wide
build up the courage for you heart to fight
like releasin anger through the wall cagin me
crushin the brick wallz releasin you free
open yoursekf wif the outside world
alotta thingz you're seein dat you're not quite sure
itz rewardin to set your eyez onto the little thingz, unnoticed
learn to be bold and strong
bow down to the Sun as if itz a prayin priest
wonderful it may seemed but it haz all gone wrong
lost again in the busy throngz
comin back to reality, im the shithead here...
I'm sorry...
This song is dedicated to my bro, Hao...remember i wrote diz song in tutorial room...the day you broke down and when everything in your world iz just isnt rite. the day you think people were lookin down at you and ignored you..hell, bro..u dun know how much people cared about you. the best thing in the world that has happened to me is knowin you as my sorry whatever i did to you to make you so small and weak inside..itz not meant to're a great guy and i know you dun deserve you loadz bro and mizz you ALOT!!
the 2nd verse of the song iz my say to you..