not really off my diaryevery blogger faces one very common thingan ass-wipe anoynymous readerwhohas nothing better to dothan diss to random bloggerssaying things likewe're ugly bitches (like as if we say we're pretty)we're poserswhoreslutslamefucked up blogfakesoon andsoforth...blahblahblah....some bloggers take it seriouslysome just fuck itsome take it as a complimentsome just buat bodoh aje - macam takde pape gitubut who cares anyway?if the blog is fucked up,why keep coming back and read for more?ape steam sey u keep insulting us like that?oh yea maybe it'll boost your fucking egodoing smthing like datdo laboost itwad u get in the end???a big dick kapa?relek ko pey muke sua...nobody cared about how u look at meorin this case,my own bestfrenwad u didnt knoe is wads insidehow cud some relative COWARD just fuck my bestfren up like datmak kau...rabak siol..seriously the computer feels nothingand my bestfren have a freaking clever way to put things in perspectivehahahow she diss him backwasfreaking funnyWAY TO GO SABBY!!oh and he has the cheek to cum back and made a long ass commentsaying shitand saying he's not coming backWAD THE FUCK LAi haf a feeeeeling thatyou will come backmy GODleave bruiseisbeing so closefrens to girlsmy badi shouldnt break my own ruleof being frens close enough wif a girlunlessi know her for more than 6 fucking yearswad i did for her itwhatever lai am just going to bring my rule back to the surfaceim sorry if i look so damn sombongim sorry i just smile at ya and nothing moreim sorry i wont go out for an all girls outing unless if you're a girl name SITI SABARIAH BINTE NORMANim sorry i dont see you out in the streeti want nothing more than just acquaintanceshi-byeandthats itmy sisters are more reassuringandi rather spend my timewith dear...time is running out,babyquick!Labels: Internet Motherfuckers