vicious cycle
man...the SECOND i get a morning job,i SWEAR TO GODthatI WILL NEVER WORK in a nightlife industry EVER AGAINi mean unless its a part-time job for extra cashLOOK AT THE DAMN TIMEits depleting my early sleepand im still wide awake at 2.30 AMdis isnt good..dis is bad!so bad..i hate nightlife! it sucks!...oh and btwif u're an Americanand u happen to drop by my werkplace and ask"Do you have chips?"to my face,i willdefinitely say,NOWE HAVE NO CHIPS DAMN ITITS FRIESFRIESFRIESFRIESFRIES FRIES FRIES FRIES FRIESWE CALL IT FRIES HEREfries are not chipspotato chips are chips!i know it comes from the same sourcebut to hell im not accustom to CHIPS AS FRIES!!!GET AN ENGLISH DICTIONARYNOT AMERICAN DICTIONARYim sorryi dont hate Americansbut i didnt go to school and learn American Englishsuddenly LIFTS becomes ELEVATORand heck we dont call UNDERWEAR as SUSPENDERS!orSHOES as SNEAKERSor HANDPHONES as CELLPHONESand got confuse if we should write ORGANISE or ORGANIZEand our teachers said it doesnt matterbut pointed out that maybe we should have the habit to use British English spellingbecause the ENGLISH are marking our exam papers!the point isyou come to our countryyou jolly well make an effortand use our languagebecause...urm...because...IT FEELS MUCH BETTER IF YOU WOULD JUST SAY FRIES!!!!!!this country is too much of the States alreadyand because of that Singapore isnt that 'unique' anymorewe're always the 'New York' of Singaporeor 'New York without the palm trees'where's the sense or recognitionoh the little red dot is all that we've got?pleaseits not even a complimentits a vulnerable statementdat reflects our fragilitywe should just call ourselves an island part of the U.S. of A. in SOUTH-EAST ASIAANDTEACH SCHOOL KIDS THE WORDS CELLPHONESOR BOOMBOXOR CHIPS!oh Godim losing it........i hate the newsi really hate itmainly because its politicaland i HATE politicsbecause politics make decisions for alot of peopleandit suck to be ordered aroundand alsopolitics creates controversytell me how does protests comes about?is it because i sit my ass all day at home?nope.its not.does a country and watever it does have to revolve around the government and its politics?nothing is in the news other than politicsdats why i DONT watch the news or read the paperand excuse me,THAT doesnt affect my English AT ALLthe television and the papers are abusive of our social AND academic know wad?whatever.oh yeah just to enlightened myself and really calm my nerves, here's one: oh man not another hot knowppl always say cute and handsome NEVER goes togetherbut this guy herelives to prove the statement WRONGwhoever come up with that stupid clinche,gotta kill this hottie!andim DEFINITELY calmed!