Working Boo-Boo
Okay, on Saturday I was getting ready to go to werk when Jo msged me and told me that Fadli asked us out to play pool..geez and i cant go coz im working..nvm, they had to go on without me..everything is going to normal but i had this funny feeling in my heart and something bad will happen..i dunno how to describe the feeling..its just that it doesnt feel right..after roll call, Kak Hannah asked me to relief Hirda at Acid Bar and i came down to see Izwan at the bar, Derrick, Wan Ling and Diana on the floor. Didnt know any of em much but I knew Diana..Then Jazman called to tell Derrick and Wan Ling to go for lunch..Lorenzo came over to relief Izwan and it turned out to be me, Diana and Lorenzo in Acid Bar..we were damn bored coz there was no one there..When Hirda came back, I rushed to my locker and quickly messaged my mom the phone number of rouge bar if anything happens..i dunno but i juz have to msg her the number so i could be reached..i felt like something bad is going to happen in my heart i dunno why..the feeling was relieving after i msged her..went to 7-11 to buy Peach tea and sandwich went back to locker to have my dinner..after that went back into Rouge bar and chit-chat to Kak Hannah and Chun Li when Hirda came over crying..found out that her house was broken into and had to go home i had to go to Acid and take over Hirda's place..i was pretty pissed coz i dun like werkin at that was so boring but part of me was glad as at that night Rouge was on Techno night so it was ok that i had to go down and get away from Techno music..DJ Flame..U suck gurl! How can anyone stand Techno music!!!! Anyway, it was ok the first few hours in Acid as i had most of my time watching Singapore vs Indonesia at the big screen but when it was over, bills started pilling was ok ya know but one of the bills was a VIP bill and i had to give 10% off the total bill for that table but i didnt know its a VIP table..nobody told me! so i didnt give them the discount..then Jazman had to void the bill..then the table started ordering again and Derrick asked me to give the VIP table bill and i already pressed 10% discount for that bill and printed it out..then Wan Ling came to give me the card of the VIP's and asked me to hold..i was furious! i already pressed 10% and now she asked me to hold the bill..Mark had to void the bill now..the next one, Wan Ling kept asking me to key in orders for VIP table when she could key in but NO! she asked me to key in! of course! i heard her wrongly! I thought she say, "VIP table close" so i closed the check but then she said its Mojito she ordered...!!! FISH!! Mark was extremely mad coz he kept voiding and voiding the whole night long! Damn right im absolutely infuriated with Wan Ling and she never say the word, 'Sorry' to me..wad the hell!! Im burning in intense and wrath that i banged the table all over the place..haha! Izwan dont dare to come to talk to me and Derrick was already scared to ask for my help anymore..then alas 3am came and i declared cash, went up rouge and helped Kak Hannah wif her paperwerk..the bartenders break down the bar pretty late and the trasport left us coz we came down really late..Kak hannah asked me to follow her and her nephew, Hafiz, one of the bouncers, went to clementi road for supper..met Kak hannah's children and husband there..was really cold and tired and sleepy..went off in about gosh..i need a rest..
 Bai in action 
27 Dec 2004-- Allah is warning us..
the signs of anger from the One above
showin his emotions to the country we loathe
diminishin his own creations
relievin the heartened soul of the pure innocence
lives claimed by the turbulent violence
destroyin all our family and the inventions
maybe all diz has come with an intention
Aceh, Penang, Indonesia, Mauritius, Maldives
Islamic countries affected by the waves
buildings destroyed but Muslim mosques still standin strong among the caved,
the people dat we lost, we raved
the people we hate are saved
the bond binded are paved
wad is He tryin to tell us diz time
is it the end of the world, its revined
tryna warn us for the sins for us to unwind
to dutifully follow his ways, he assigned
let's all get ourselves together and rewind
enjoyin, partyin and livin aint matter to us no more
coz we're leavin this world, wad are u waitin for?
its time for us to reflect and find the ways to forgive the things we corrupted b4,
ignorance aint bliss
the good are dead
do you get this into your thick head?
u dun noe wads your Fate
do something good and go to the sufferers' aid
Please dun go to your defenses
dun try to give busy excuses
give it up and come to your senses
its time for u to give up 5 minutes of your time to complete the 5 sessions
its compulsory
its a must, not an advisory
do it in the name of Allah
in His honorary
im startin my life, Islamic way
come join me now, wad do u say?
im correctin my ways and so shud you..
Start a new day, my new life with "Bismillah,"
Shidah You Bitch
Shidah, you told him you were meetin your bestfren
i was there when u tld him dat
he asked u where you were goin but u refused to tell him
when i urged you to tell him ur whereabouts, you went mad
wad u take me for, bitch, your cat?
fuck it, u tink u're so pretty, got a handsome bf and a wallet so fat
WHAT?! you think im scared?
do i look like i fuckin care?
me, Jon and the others dcided to go downtown
but were shocked to have 14 pair of eyes, disbelieved of wad we've found
to tink dat Jon thinks of you every single day when he's away
all for a fuckin bitch, who he loved so dearly
a strong heart he'd been holding so longin
for this cheatin rich bitch
watever you haf done to him, congratulations, u made his cheeks wet
never haf i seen him cry dat bad
it's wasted, Jonny dearest, i juz dunno wad to say
ahaha...rather den being straight and date a fuckin bitch, better be gay
dat nite bro, shit, wad a day
dat nite, in downtown, we saw u bitch, makin out wif another guy!
Shidah, u hurt him gurl, fucker, u dun even noe what has been happenin behind
hurt, afflicted by grieve, he dropped down to his knees
knockin on the cemented floor with his fist, tryna make a bloody wish
a wish that he knew will never come true
so fuck you
its time for him to give you up and time for you to confess
u dunno havin a guy like him dat u're blessed
i shudnt haf done dat to you dat nite but i tink it's for the best
im through wif you, now its time for me to kick your ass
i pushed you to the ground, scraped and bloodied your pretty face
if u wanna befriend me, diz isnt the pace
u tryna fite me back but when u see my bitchier face, u're scared,diz aint a race
a plastic basket case, wad a waste
suddenly feelin so timid and such a pathetic brat
"" beggin like a fuckin rat
u deserve the push, SLUT!
u cheated on my bestfriend, time for ya to kiss me goddamn big butt
look into the fuckin mirror, Shidah, u make a mess out of things
Jon's a great guy, i hate to see him like diz
we're pissed
to hurt you even more, i rather give it a miss
but you made me so angered, why are u doing this??
u deserved the treatment, u tink i like wad im doin?
i cant bear to see Jon hurt
for in diz world
there are no werds
to describe how we love him more den u, u twert..
we haf never hurt him this bad
u are in no position to place him in this situation
he's flying back early to Australia and do u noe how much i misses him
diz isnt some kind of a joke, he's makin a decision
his good golden heart ruptured into two in insicion
its all ur fault bitch, his kind is too few
we all hate you whore, and i damn well hate you too..
so go to hell, keep makin out at the beach
and i hope u are engulfed by tidal wave, tsunami will hit you dead..
Singapore Vs. Myanmar
I'm sorry for those who are not interested in soccer esp. an update from Tiger Cup and diz incldes Singapore in the game..but then wad the hell..juz need to fill in..i think diz is by far the most dramatic game i've ever seen in Asia man..haha! i was so shocked to see these players so violent towards their rival..first Indra Shahdan won a penalty and the Myanmar players were so angry about it that they was sent off for the foul and the other was sent off for violating the referees as he kicked sand to the referees..Indra missed the golden opportunity,man..he missed the penalty..Myanmar was down by three man..a few minutes later, whistled blew..Myanmar won victory by 2-1 but then they need a victor to advance to the finals as Myanmar and Singapore by then leveled by 5-5 aggregate score on the table..they were given 30-minutes extra time..less than 5 minutes later, Noor Alam Shah scored another goal after a rebound...15 or 20 minutes later, something happened that made both team so angry..geez i missed that drama coz i need to go to the loo..darn in! haha! somebody from the frontline Myanmar side throwed water-bottle straight right at...uh..err...darness! whats his name?! Sar--something..ahahha! shoot! for a moment there i remembered his name sial..the indian player la..haiyo he was tryin to break a fight apart but got a slammin in return..geez! su! i cant be a sport journalist la..haha! i forgot the names of the who threw the bloody water-bottle and cut his ear?? Jeng, jeng,jeng! The Myanmar sub. goalkeeper..he owned up..wad a jerk..Agu Casmir scored the fourth goal..umm..den a few minutes before the game ended, was his name Ishak??or was it Yusoff?? AHAHAHHAHA!! Yusoff Ishak!! KAHKAHKAHKAH!!goddammit!! i forgot..i tink it's Ishak la..correct me if im wrong,ya? he was elbowed by the Myanmar player and he wasnt happy he retaliated by just givin a lil' slappin on the cheater's shoulder..get this, he slapped the fucker on the SHOULDER and wad an actor dat Myanmar player he was..he went down dramatically puttin his bloody hands on stupid face! face filled with anguish and pain! wad a fake!! hahahaha!! wad drama, was soooo den rounded up another group fight and its good though that the Singapore players defended Ishak and pushed him away from the Myanmar players............geez wad a game..Singapore advanced to final with a 4-2 victory..sympathy to the 3 officials (referee) and i feel even sorrier to the 8-men Myanmar players..i guess they were desperate to get into the finals..but is Singapore! hahahaha! sorry,'s been a long time....CONGRATS!!
btw...cant help noticing at the Singapore defence Khaizan..he's sooo cute..
Mizzhaily reportin..ahahaha...yea sucker for this...i tink if i were to become a journalist, i'll be at the critisicm corner..hahhaa..if only this world is open enough for all the fucks to come out..
2 Double-O 5
Rub shoulder to shoulder
givin kisses cheeks to cheeks
new year resolution, rite up the road's shoulder
new year revolution, overcomin the path's boulder
kids gettin wad they wanna, ppl's gettin bolder
the die hard, press play, new day, a brand new year, new cheques
move aside ppl, mizzhaily comin wif a rhyme for the year,
gettin ready to kick the asses for all the wacks
2 double-O 5, i've been smellin armpits but now im back
so its time for ya to smell my fart,oh haha fuck it
juz smell it until my pants gonna rip!
let it rip, you twit
watever ur side on, i win
smashin my ass back, its a sin
beggin my eyes wet, i aint keen
energized and refreshed, muscular coordinations intact
stronger and healthier in fact
total respect for you im lacked
partyin and werkin all nite, im shagged
spendin my fuckin new year behind the cashierin counter
its 10pm on the clock and ive makin a bloody blunder
my hands aint stable, i shudder
handlin cash, its scarier than bein a bartender
while on the job, met an American fucker
walk is unstable, red-faced drunken ass sucker
spray H20 behind the counter sayin," Happy New Year,baby!"
staggerin behind, laughin like an idiot, my shirt's wet
fuck it, im wearin white
"Ooh! Baby! You're wearin whites?" "Fucker, take a hike!"
put on a brand new white tee
im dry and fake smile set,
aint there's nothin to b scared off nothin to see
sprayin fake snow in the club
hey, there's no snow in singapore!
spray the fuckin foam! watcha waitin for?
for christmas?goddamn its over..look at that whore
she's wearin wad she came in before!
haha!sucker..she aint got nothin to wear coz her dress suck to the core!
went to Island bar, met up with another cashier,exchange some change..lost in the shore
im being dramatically careless, i stubbed my toe sore
gave an embarrasin yelp, everybody's lookin includin the guy i adore
goddammit! i run for my life..aint no wantin to worsen the condition more
4am on the clock, club's still full
"Hey Su, we're goin back at 6!" Man, dats bull!
It's the new year, no worries im cool
damn it, missed my bestfriend on a new year, im such a fool
go back to werk, cheap, leave diz to me i need a sleep
sayonara good nite everybody happy new year peepz..Im BEAT