i cannot believe that school will start in less than 2 weeks.fuck school la.i dun bother to censor all the fucks anymore.though i thought i should. juz for the fastin month.want to cover-up for wad sial.anyway,thinkin abt school makes me puke damn it.
"you dont know how sick you make me you make me fuckin sick to my stomach just because i think of school i puke!" school wasnt use to be that bad in secondary school.its the people in my course la who makes me sick all the time.these assholes are all driving me crazy.im losing interest in my course.im just forcing myself to get my ass back on track.i so hate mixing around with the people in poly.so to say,im better off alone.YOU BETTER FUCKIN LEAVE ME AS I AM : ALONE. OR I'M GONNA FUCKIN KILL YOU.if i have the licence to kill.i would.maybe verbal assault will make you fuck off.
workin is a BLAST.or should i say BLAST. man..me and Wana had become corny dance partners to the DJ's records in Rouge.our dance acts were really...you know...funny that the customers were entertained.they said we were cute.haha. and i also (guilty!) am one of the evil assasins to burning people's pants.i didnt know that burning our own collegues' pants would be a load of fun!muahahahaha!! i had two very playful managers which adds up to the craziness of Rouge family. i really had fun werking.werking @ Rouge is the place that i could really be myself. nobody in NYP knows how playful and loud i am,man..im so totally crazy when im not in school and if i am goin to stay in school much longer.im just gonna lose it.really.if only school is this fun, i wouldnt be so stress and i wouldnt have any feelings of just jumping down the goddamn building whenever i get to the 7th floor.URGH! i hate fuckin school.
Me and Raff were being playful in the bus.Kak Hannah, Raff's aunt, was sitting in between us when we were "mushy-talking." "Raff,you dont love me anymore izzit?" "Of course i do love you!" "Then why you sit so far away from me..." "Even if I'm sitting right here my love is still there with you." "Liar.I dont wanna love you anymore." "My heart is right there with you no matter how far I am from you." Throughout this conversation, Raff's aunt were laughin non-stop at our pointless verbal exchange.some people are just being extra cheeky.and im just being a sport.no harm joking rite?
Halloween is coming.though i have never celebrated this day before,the past year i have been werkin in this same company has forcefully made me dress up for this occasion.last year,i dressed up as Wednesday in the Addam's family.this year,with no money to spare,i wanted to dress up like really Gothic.it's all in the make-up.GOTH.then search in the closet to find anything gothic to wear.or else...SABBY!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Happy Birthday Wan!!
first of all, i would like to wish a really great/good/close/best (all in one la!) friend of mine Ahmad Syazwan Bin Mikhali a...
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, You son of a gun yes,today is his birthday.lets wish him all the best in his coming years.hope that he'll do well in whatever he do.and may his dream in opening a restaurant and becoming a chef comes true coz i wanna be in it too!HEHE!the boots are nothing compared to the 6 long great years we've been friends with each other.thanks for staying that way. hope it doesnt stop at 6 years.our friendship years is still counting. and for the something you and felix are planning,really wad the hell?YOU TWO,YOU!mayb you two should hold it until my nxt bday,can?i hate surprises la.just scrap the idea alright? and Wan, you got a new watch?you had a cool watch now and you need a new one?somebody please push Wan off the cliff,pretty please!
once again,my family is thrown off into a financial crisis pit.i got my first sis practically provided everything for the family, my 2nd sis being the most useless ineffectual member of the family,my bro had to empty out his bank acc for my mom which is really pretty sad for my bro.shouldnt be that way.while i tried my very darnest to work my ass off for mom.i work too hard mayb i should just die.ya know.i get so sick for werking too hard but will still got my ass to werk.just wish that my 2nd sis would just get married quick and get the f**k off this house.i wouldnt feel the burden no more.when she f**k off,she'd jolly well bring the guinea pig along with her.or i shall give it away.which i would have done a long time ago.and i hope my lil' bro doesnt follow this b**ch wherever she goes.
Zouk grand opening last night was indeed the talk of the town.it was full house at 1am where doors are closed and the queue outside was mandearing.not like as if i was there.but Rouge was suffering.really bad last night.got the info from Abang Razak coz his wife is the head cashier at Zouk.like a prominent place like Zouk,its rivals are losing face.man..how the hell did they do it?
im disappointed.its true when sabby says that,"We could not get the guy we wanted." haiz~ the liberty.why should we move on hoping on empty fantasies that you will get him?all we have to do is just give up hoping and start doin a reality check.
into the red
well...RED is my favourite colour. went out wif sabby was a blast last night.we watched into the blues.it was an ok movie.the storylines a bit too rushing la.the action-pack wasnt...er...packed?i mean its a lil' bit disappointing that Paul Walker,who used to be in great action filled movies like 2Fast2Furious,got a limited act like this. the best part was after the movies.me and sabby took some crazy pics of ourselves.then i had cravings for ice-cream so we went to macdonalds to buy cheap ice creams but ended up gettin milkshakes..it was cool ar actually..den as usual ar me and sab are always filled with deluding crazy made-up stories (related to us-we're making jokes at ourselves!) on our way to Somerset MRT station.Laughed like crazy idiots.Go to Sabby's blog la and read for yourselves.muahahhaa..
anyway,i've updated my rhyme blog.at long last. its not under construction anymore. go crazy: www.rhyme-collectibles.blogspot.comgoin to f**k off from Singapore to Aust after graduation and continue studyin there.i cant live another year here.diz goddamn place.masyaallah.NO.im not goin with my family.im goin with sabby.and if ahmad shahir wants to follow.ha.shit.den i go alone sia.otherwise...there,me and sabby will venture out there alone.and bcum dangerously adventurous.get filthy rich.we'll wait for Wan.and his chef-dreams.we'll be there.to help and support him.i could take up business management there.part-time.me,Wan and sab could bcum business partners in F&B line.since Wan loves soccer so much.he could go for soccer trainings there while i tend the restaurant.and take turns with sabby.i shall not stop schoolin until i get my phD.den i throw all the science crap aside and help my fren in his dreams.i will go to the level where people will have to call me Dr.Sue.i might not use my cert. as my future.dats like my back-up in case everythin fails.sabby shall move on with her architecture coz we need her skills for Wan's restaurant.if Felix wanna join us,we'll be pullin him in our business.i would love to go back behind the bar.except that this is halal bar.haha.no alcohol.maybe mocktails.virgin cocktails which means cocktails without the alcohol.get it?i already thought of some drinks.i could make nice genuine tea and coffee (learnt frm my mom).genuine means real brew.using tea leaves.not the tea sachets. i can make milkshakes,cafe latte,ice-blended crap,smoothies,espresso,capuccino,horlicks and milo.i know how to make Dino-milo.its easy shit.i can make home-made ice lemon tea too.i can make bandong haha and peach cooler.we can sell soft drinks and juices.woohoo! so exciting! cant wait to graduate.i can teach you all that.if you let me to.meanwhile,we're not sure where to study.we had 2 great choices.2 great places.Melbourne or Tasmania.Me and Sabby are going to sort-of wrecky these 2 places first.after we graduate and before we actually stay there.at the look of things,both of us do not wanna cum back to Singapore for a very loooooooonnng time.we got big dreams to conquer.no scratch that.HUGE dreams.so nothin could stop us except for the fate scheduled for our future.other than that.NOTHING.marriage is a hindrance.i will not get married until everything i hope for has come true.love could wait.f**k it.its a f**kin waste of time.it'll only weighed us down.i see you when i see you.Good day,mate!
3 things...
Double bday celeb the reason why my blog loaded so long mayb bcoz of my flash card la.haiya! i've removed it so im really sorry. i dunno how felix could actually WAIT for it to load. i dun bother. anyway, celebratin wan and sab's bdae was awesome.went to simpang bedok to have our breakfast and then we surprised them to our huge bday cards. after that we went to bedok interchange to eat ice kachang coz sort had cravings for it.there,felix,me and sab had a blast laughin at felix makin fun of people.then we went to play pool. go to sabby's blog to read the full details. OR go to the link of 'my photobasket' to see us had fun.
I still remember the Apek Giler kat KFC. muahahahaha.it was damn funny.infectious.man..
Love=Hopeless i dun understand why people are willing to wait in blithe that the person you tink you love would comes to ya.wasting of time.why dont you use your time waiting by doing other things than keeping moaning over doors opened for her...er..or him whenever they wants to.what?are you a charity case or something?they can come and go for you whenever they want?think again. WHY DON'T YOU F**KIN' GO TO THAT PERSON AND AFFIRM YOUR UNDYING DEVOTION TO HER OR HIM,HUH? see how it goes.if the return says "no way,that's never gonna happen," why dont you just f**kin leave the fabricated love you think you have with the person and MOVE ON! if the response is positive and what you wanted to hear,then congratulations WELL DONE, time to test your relationship,STUPID. now lets not waste any time shall we.you know wad to do now.when everything goes, tell me what happen ok? if you succeed,i'll salute you and say,"GOOD JOB." and if not,you think im gonna straight away hug you and say "i'm sorry?" no way! im not feeling sorry coz its not my fault.i've given up on advicing you already. i will put my hands on my hips, give THE most irritating face ever and say,"I TOLD YOU SO." and since you are the greatest fren,i shall then hug you and say,"its ok." and hopefully you'll get over it.
Work going back to werk was fresh.met the people im happy to meet.bought Old Chang Kee and bubble tea on my way coz i was freakin hungry (not fastin due to menses). respect the holy month so i kept my hunger till i reach to my werkplace.and when i came,i almost felt the utmost regret of buying myself food coz Rouge was having function dat morning and they had leftover food.but when i tasted the food, yucks! thank GOD I BOUGHT FOOD. nvr should have guessed, the food's disgusting.so i savior my own bought food.yummy. wednesdays are ladies night at rouge.it was BORING.the time of the week where the dancefloor is empty.the tables are clean and the staffs makin fun of each other. 1st,we tried to make somebody's pants on fire but our mission failed because of Jason's spidey sensor.haiya.he knew we were behind him hopelessly tryin so hard to lit Wan's stupid lighter. 2nd,as there arent many body heat to warm us down, the place had become extremely cold.we were all shivering like we were in snow and you know i just couldnt stand the cold.The bartenders had fun puttin their hands under flowing COLD water and touching my bareskin.you should have guessed.i SCREAM! it was damn cold sial.and then they took ice cubes and put it in my shirt.the cold.the TORTURE.now im having a bad cold.thanks guys. 3rd,feelings of revenge tasted bittersweet in my mouth.i pulled the barmats so that it's partially overlapping each other and counted how many bartenders fell into a heap when their foot caught in btwn.the savoury of sweetness.we all (including the puny number of customers present) fell into fits of laughter.MUAHAHAHHAHAHA! then it was time to go to the other bar.there we sang our heart's out with the resident band John Molina and Krueger making the band unable to play with our spastic idiocracy. we scare the new dj that there's somebody other than him in the dj console.poor him got so freaked out that he went out of the console whenever he could.telling us that he got the creeps.haha!evil staffs. btw,hope you all could cum dwn on 31st oct for Peranakan Place Complex (PPC) Halloween Party. Rouge, Alley bar, Acid bar and rouge outdoors are making a hell out of the place.i'll upload the flyer for you guys so you can read up. those wearing full costumes entitles to free entry at rouge and lucky customer could win $200 rouge voucher WITH free PPC black card membership worth $388.so dress your ghouliest!
adidas F50+ boots saga
the personwhoshallnotbenamed should juz do watever you like! just as long as you nvr put me in your plans, im happy wif where i am right now.so f**k off! dont disturb me no more. you wanna give me time to cool down? hey! im cool now ok. just dont bug me. oh and btw,im not a mean b**ch ok?if u're plannin an outing and most of the ppl arent able to come, dun you dare f***kin blame me for not lettin them go ok! who am i to object their freedom?! its all their doings! I LET YOU WRECK MY PLAN SO THAT THEY WILL GO TO YOUR BORING OUTING. you happy? i let myself get f**ked by em so dat ur plan will go as normal. so DONT BLAME ME! IT IS NOT MY DOING!
I shall not let my antagonism flood my blog.lets say something good for once. buying a really great fren his dream boots for his birthday was a huge relief.like a huge burden juz lifted my shoulders eversince he told me he wanted the pair.i was a lil' disappointed that i cudnt find the red/white pair for him.sabby and i searched high and low for his boots.we wud have gone all over singapore if only somebody grant me the time.haiya~ i shud haf hunted for it b4 the season ends.anyway, thanks SABBY for helping me search hopelessly for the boots.. though we shud really go back to that Suntec adidas outlet abang and throw the black/white F50 soccer boots at his over-confident egomaniac face.we shud haf done dat. thanks felix,you've helped me alot these few days..i realli appreciate it.really.and thanks for tellin me dat im short and thanks for not noticin dat u are damn tall.you are taller than wan by 16cm (or is it 6cm?) for god's sake!and to me wan is freakin tall!!!heh.it really does makes a real difference doesnt it?anyway,ur help is really tremendous..thanks for being there for me always!and your bday's coming rite?hehe.note taken.and NO i am nt buyin you an iPOD nano coz i myself wanted an iRiver mp3 (for which i will get nxt month),which is much better than a iPOD. GLEE!mayb will buy u something like...uh..erm..haiya! just tell me wad u wanna nxt month la! so Wan,im sorrie i couldnt get wad u really wanted but i hope you're really happy with wad i had given you.and i shall not wish you happy birthday nw coz it aint your bday,dude!wait until the day comes la.
me and my family break fast like a westerners (plus a lil' bit of asian food). we had fruit salad with coleslaws on the table, fish n chips, haha prata and urgh! mosque's porridge. enjoyed it so.mom told us the story abt givin birth to her children and tellin us that givin birth to me was the toughest.wad can i say? im the toughest girl around!hehe! it was the only time of the year when i get to eat dinner with my family.so i shall make most of it to quickly come home and break fast wif 'em.den again im werkin nite most of the time.the unfairness!
will be meetin sab and the others tomorrow.cant wait!so it'll be sab, su and my boys nw! hehe! me and my boys! cool ar. sue's boys. im a girl pimp or wad?knowing my boys will always b there for me to support me..is a nice feeling..
what is adidas??
fifie gave me a ride(kr-kawasaki..my dream personal bike) to werk last night and we dropped off at Heeren for a while and stop by at its Adidas shop to search for the F50 boots..the salesperson would just pissed any person off by being the biggest derelict of all salesperson.his inept knowledge power in service industry for adidas is explicitly grungy.his infelicitous day is saved by the pure month of ramadhan (not that he's muslim, but it's because i am). Almighty Allah is Great. He has replaced me a preceedingly patient and kind heart during this fasting month.anything that happen which you know will usually blow my top never happen diz month.at least not yet.so dont push it.ppl who know me well enough knows better than to cross my line. so what the hell happen? the erratic and seemingly measely display of some pretty nice soccer boots attracted fifie immediately.its been a long time since he had been on pitch since the fatal-not-so-fatal accident which forcefully pulled him off-pitch for a very long time.i watched him reminisce his younger days as he looked upon these boots like a pro.he's goin on 22 now.soccer has pretty much sort-of 'left' his life and he's a full werkin adult now.after that, he turned and looked at me. "I dont think they have the F50 boots sold in this outlet."he told me suddenly. "huh?" How blur can i get? "I mean its a new outlet." oh! then i got it. the ranges were all F10+,F20+ and F70+ boots.not wad i wanted.so i went to the salesperson and asked.the confused salesguy looked at me,puzzled.he went to the rack hoping that he could get any notions of what F50 means.when he looked hopelessly at the rack scratching his head.at the action, i knew that guy hasnt got a clue. "is uh...erm..F50 suppose to be a brand?"he asked.i grinned at him tryin to keep my laughter back.fifie,eyes wide,tried very hard not to laugh. "no,darlin.its somekind of a type." i smiled.now where does the kindness comes from again? "oh! i check it out for you."he ran off. when the guy is out of earshot, fifie asked me,"Sue,what is adidas?" "A brand?"I guessed. "Exactly!"Fifie exclaimed before the salesguy came back saying that i could find the type at Bugis Seiyu or at Suntec. im checking this pair out soon.who knows i could just get them for....??? btw,Sabby.. Happy 18th Birthday,babe! Love Ya Loadsa!!!
the F50+ adidas boots
somebody told me abt diz boots.damn hell. fifie sent me diz pic by e-mail.no doubt diz pair of boots makes me drool like a lovesick idiot who jz got a pic of a Greek God.its a UK GOD.seriously.why wud any soccer maniacs wanna miss this shit?The F50 introduces the adidas FusionFrame system to allow elite players to customise the feel and performance of their boots based on their very individual style of play. Footbed inserts (chassis) with unique performance properties can be quickly and easily interchanged. Lightning fast players will choose the Lightweight chassis to make them unstoppable on a breakaway. The Comfort chassis provides increased stability and support for players who like to aggressively control the action in front of the net. The Professional chassis has the optimum combination of all of the above features, making the F50 a perfectly balanced weapon for warriors on the pitch who can attack in any situation. The elastic tongue band and single-pull speed lace cover provide a clean kicking area. A split outsole reduces weight and provides amazing ball feel and agility. Quickly interchangeable X-TRAXION® Soft Ground outsole studs provide maximum ground penetration with minimal stud pressure, offering every advantage on soft ground pitches. its a perfect pair on-pitch!so why miss the chance??den again,the price of this boots is partly the reason why.if only its like $100-$150 range, i mite consider buyin it 4 myself and showcase in a glass casing..red and black would b nice..WHO'S WEARING THEM? - Ashley Cole (Arsenal/England), Damien Duff (Chelsea/Ireland), John O'Shea (Man Utd/Ireland), Javier Saviola (Monaco/Argentina) Jermaine Defoe (Tottenham/England), Arjen Robben (Chelsea/Holland), Djibril Cisse (Liverpool/France), Alessandro Del Piero (Juventus/Italy), David Trezeguet (Juventus/France)im so in love...wif these boots..
me and my thoughts...haiz~
just as i tot im havin a pretty decent life and comfortable wif my circle of frens and at least i tot somebody to watch my back,thepersonwhoshalln0tbenamed is here to ruin it.i tot everybody understands me.i tink i tot too much huh? felix,diz is one of the reason why i shant blog too much.i talk too much wen im angry.n wen im angry,i can be really mean.i shall be jailed not for Acts of Sedition but Acts of Uncontrol Emotions and word of Violence. and wen dat happens,nobody could bail me out coz i dun haf the money.and wen i cant bail,i would be counselled for various thoughts of suicide.and then they will put me on anger management course.thats wen all my frens will put their backs on me.and thepersonwhoshallnotbenamed will laugh with satisfaction.jump for joy.woohoo! this is the fasting month and its my cue to just not be mean and give thepersonwhoshallnotbenamed a chance to completely ruin my plans for somebody's bday.and its my say that i shall not divulge the name of thepersonwhoshallnotbenamed.you wanna be good to my bestfriend only on her bday when you've been ignoring her all these while.wad are u tryin to imply,huh?she is nt the kind of person to be used for fun ok?i know wad u've been doin.u will only contact her to haf fun or wen u haf problems,u came runnin' lookin for her!SHE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! why dun u go runnin to your super-hot super-famous boyfriend's huge d**k instead huh?he has everthing u wanted.we are juz not good enough for u izit?you celeb her bdae juz to make amends wif her?forget it.you'll leave her hanging again. AND I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN TO HER AGAIN,YOU GET IT?!!she's been hurt enough.i've been hurt enough too.i shall not be in the repetition of diz goddamn history. now i haf to hurt my own bestfren's feelings in YOUR favour. i promise dat i will make a great day 4 her. syazwan, i thank u for being there for me.we'll postpone the plan to nxt wk aite?let u sum rest after a hard day's werk. sabby, im so sorry i haf to postpone my plan to nxt wk.and im so sorry for being the greatest loser of all losers.i shant blowout on u dat way.lets do it ur way for once.im sorry for making u fight wif ahmad.i love ya babe. FELIX! the ultimate emokid.show me dat u're not the emokid by having fun wif ur frens and keep girls off ur mind for this hols.they're juZ b****es.except for me and sabby of course.we're the ultimate b****.but we're the b****es u shant put ur mind off. and for YOUWHOSHALLNOTBENAMED, if u tink im talkin abt u, HISAP AH JANGAN PERASAN LAH! you go party until u go crazy only to stop wen Ramadhan is here. one werd,"HYPOCRITE" there,a real entry at last.
Happenings at...

300805 Hiphop Noize Party-Private event only invited guests. surprisingly alot of hiphop mats! 100905 Ronin band launch 160905 
Singapore's Ocean band launch-release of their debut album 011005 Skool of Rock-Everyone invited.Free entry for those wearing their complete school uni.Staffs of Rouge wore school uni too! 021005 Exotic Dancing-Another private function.Close door event.Invited guest only.Guffaws! all guests are mostly sleazy men.wad can i say? 061005 Rouge Grand Launch-We have changed our concept entirely with our resident band John Molina and Krueger. Cocktail-making competition @ Chinablack. Haiz~ What has been happening in Rouge Club Doors opened at 7pm-3am (Mon-Fri) and 8pm-4am (Sat) Daily events Monday (Service,Retails and aircrew nite) - 1For1 on jugs purchase with workpass produced. Free entry for all. Tuesday (Bottles nite) - *Housepour btls except Tequila and Hennessey @ $110, +Premium btls @ $148 and ++Super Premium btls @ $188. Free entry for all. Wednesday (Ladies' nite) - Martinis @ $10, Mimosa @ $10, Moet&Chandon champagne btl @ $99.First drink charge applies for guys.Free entry for ladies. Thursday (Work Sucks nite) - Free entry with namecard dropped in otherwise first drink charge applies at entrance. Friday & Saturday - Cover charges apply at entrance. Ladies-$18, Men-$20 with a choice of one standard drink of housepours with bargun or juice mixers,**housepour wines,mocktails,soft drinks,juices,bottle beers(corona,tiger,erdinger white,heinekein and guiness) or can beer(kilkenny). Happy Hour (8pm-10pm)- 1For1 on Housepours with bargun mixer and Tiger Beer Magick Hour (11pm-12mn) - 1For1 on everything except Heinekein 1pt,Tiger Bottles,promotional items and full-bottle sales. Resident band (John Molina and Krueger) will be playing 3sets at 1030pm. Set 1: 1030pm-1115pm, Set 2: 12m-1245am, Set 3: 130am-215am. Dancers to Dj Edward's hits between each sets. PPC Black card memership to be purchased at the door with Hannah ($388/yr) entitles to (1)10% off full bottle sales except promotional andwine bottles or 15% off total bill excluding promotional items. (2) Free Moet&Chandon bottle with a choice of Belvedere Vodka, Chivas Regal, Gordon Gin,Hennessey,Jack Daniel,Jim Beam White,Johnnie Walker Red Label,Jose Cuervo,Martel VSOP,Myer's White,St Remy Napolean or Smirnoff Red Vodka at purchase. (3)Waiver of entry charges and 2 guests. (4)Priority entry. (5)Exclusive invites of private parties. Daily Bottle Promotions: Johnnie Walker Black Label @ $158, Hennessey VSOP @ $168, Belvedere Vodka @ $168, Smirnoff Red Vodka @ $158, Moet&Chandon champagne @ $138, 2For $228 and $28 per glass, Tiger bottle @ $10, 5For $35. Our *Housepours: Smirnoff Red Vodka, Jim Beam White Bourbon, Jose Cuervo Tequila, Myer's Dark and White Rum, Hennessey & St.Remy Napolean Brandy,Gordon Gin and Johnnie Walker Red Label Whiskey. +Premium btls: Bacardi White,JW Black Label,Bombay Sapphire,Absoluts and all liquers in our menu. ++Super Premiums: Belvedere Vodka,Chivas Regal,Martel VSOP,Hennesey VSOP,Maccallan,Bacardi 151,Tanquery and Glenfiddich. Our **housepour wines: Santa Rita(Chile) - Red grape: Cabernet Sauvignon, White grape: Chardonnay and Pierre Jean(France) - Red grape: Merlot, White grape: Colombard Chardonnay All prices are inclusive of service charge,GST and all other govt. taxes.