the day has come
oooh yeait was...boring with the capital Btold ya i hate big days...hows ur halloween?was it great?mine was perpectually boring toostupid marketing dont do their homeworkno advertsno SMS remindersno customer callsno publicitythe pathetic place is beginning to lose its businessandthe office people arent helpin eitherwad a load of lazy bullsHalloween in Rouge was boringlast year was more happeningyea i noe wads happeningmarketing execs planned a month tofigure out costumes to wearfor the superiorsfor wad?if there's NO customers to party with?oh whateveri dressed upasa dead army officerin Rouge's crap theme of Dungeon of Paini got my face made up so goredat u don dare to even look at methanks to theSchool Of Make-upwho made my face like I've been slashed by Samurai swordthey used waxdifficult to smilebut after a load of facial expression,the wax peeled offso it was quite irritatingi washed my face halfway thru the nitei will upload my gory face when i haf the chance to upload itwoooi received ALOT of staresand"EWWWWW!"and"OhMYGOSH!"and"Ooh..BLOODY!"and some laughters too and i shot back at them that it wasnt suppose to be funny.nightlife photographer came up to meand asked,"Can I take a picture of you?''Why not?i made a 'Lu-Sapa' face wif that scar of mineand it was coolhope he load it up on the Netso i cud grab itheheSELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR & BATINandHAPPY HALLOWEEN!p.s: oh yea someone asked me out last night. my dare is if i choose to accept it.well.. it wasnt the first time he asked me and i always changed the subject.dun trust good-looking guys.they're bastards.
im gettin outta here!
image taken from www.ihatemyflatmate.comi am so waitingfor the daymy sister will be getting marrieddat was 2 years agoand im still waitingbut updates from my momthatwe wont be hearing wedding bellsfor a long while nowWTF!hell no! i've waited 2 years!she gotta get the hell out of this house!FAST!or i will.i tinki'll go get married first.and get the fuck out of the houseearly.
tomorrow is CRAP day
image taken from yeahtoday will be the last dayto sahurand bukeand tomorrow's public holidayisCRAP day1. my house still has alot to be done2. my room...i havent done anything yet3. i havent bought the table runners4. i havent split my money into $2 notesthis comes once every yearandi hatefestivities.
_ _ _ _ _ _
image taken from www.ihatemyflatmate.comi am looking for a 2nd jobto fill up the timeandspacethat you left blanktrust nobody with ur life...i hate youeveryday i hogged the computerand logged on to youtube(Hail! youtube)and watched That 70s showso that i could getenough doses of laughsevery single dayso fuck you for are depressing
image taken from www.ihatemyflatmate.comyesFifie just got back fromthe great L.A.the good thing ishe got what i wantedsomething u wont get from Singaporeor anywhere in nights SUCKSmust see tuesday MY ASSlame-ass showbunch of KAROTSi got to work every Tuesday nightsori sit my ass ALL FREAKING DAYtrying to avoid crappy local showsjustSTUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID.....i just hate itwhenpeople LIVE off meno blood relation or whatsoeverjustwaitforme tocomeupwiththe moneyFUCKYOU!this hurts manim so usedi have a reasonto avoid meeting youtoo muchthis is the 1st time in the long runthati have to pay double for my mealspleasedont hesistate to fuckin open your walletand come out your own shitforyour stomachpleaseim begging youunlike you, i haf to pay for the billsunlike you, my parents dont give me allowancesunlike you, i haf to give my parents money every monthso pleasedun make mefeed another mouthi took out $10doesnt meanim paying for youhaf the decency to pay me wads yoursdammit......i need something averagesomeone please just give me.....oh hey i have a new year resolutionTO DIE OR RUN AWAY
oh happy days!
image taken from i am bored with...- the place i werk- the pay i get- the people i see- the things i do...and dont do- the waiting for _ _ _ _ _ _- are nothing more but a line in this postoki forgot how tiring it is to do bar and cashier at the same timeits been a long time man...since i do barand knocked me out gooddidnt have much of a sleep andhad to wake up at 10 in the morningand off to work at Outdoorsthe weather was such a bastardfeeling sleepy didnt help the humid eithergot my hour breakand since im fasting,i took advantage of my whole hour bysleepingin the locker roomdamn Dj played the records too fuckin loudwent home and crashedoh!look at the time!will be meeting sab in 7 hoursto send my little darling, Haillie to Polyclinic for a short jabcant wait to see Saband Idaand that little insect (wad my bro called Haillie haha!)oh and in less than 18hours, somebody is going to turn 19!!who?who?who?Fifie flew off again along with his mom this timetoL.A.becausesomebody is getting married therei wonder who seywho is the lucky couple who wed in the States?!!so fuckin luckyi wish im dat luckyeh whatever la!hahaoh! and i've asked my dear Fifie to get meVS body spray if its possiblei dont know if he dared to go into a lingerie shopjust to get me that body spray i wantedhe said he willbut let's see if he has the guts just as he stood infront of the shopfingers crossed!!
vicious cycle
man...the SECOND i get a morning job,i SWEAR TO GODthatI WILL NEVER WORK in a nightlife industry EVER AGAINi mean unless its a part-time job for extra cashLOOK AT THE DAMN TIMEits depleting my early sleepand im still wide awake at 2.30 AMdis isnt good..dis is bad!so bad..i hate nightlife! it sucks!...oh and btwif u're an Americanand u happen to drop by my werkplace and ask"Do you have chips?"to my face,i willdefinitely say,NOWE HAVE NO CHIPS DAMN ITITS FRIESFRIESFRIESFRIESFRIES FRIES FRIES FRIES FRIESWE CALL IT FRIES HEREfries are not chipspotato chips are chips!i know it comes from the same sourcebut to hell im not accustom to CHIPS AS FRIES!!!GET AN ENGLISH DICTIONARYNOT AMERICAN DICTIONARYim sorryi dont hate Americansbut i didnt go to school and learn American Englishsuddenly LIFTS becomes ELEVATORand heck we dont call UNDERWEAR as SUSPENDERS!orSHOES as SNEAKERSor HANDPHONES as CELLPHONESand got confuse if we should write ORGANISE or ORGANIZEand our teachers said it doesnt matterbut pointed out that maybe we should have the habit to use British English spellingbecause the ENGLISH are marking our exam papers!the point isyou come to our countryyou jolly well make an effortand use our languagebecause...urm...because...IT FEELS MUCH BETTER IF YOU WOULD JUST SAY FRIES!!!!!!this country is too much of the States alreadyand because of that Singapore isnt that 'unique' anymorewe're always the 'New York' of Singaporeor 'New York without the palm trees'where's the sense or recognitionoh the little red dot is all that we've got?pleaseits not even a complimentits a vulnerable statementdat reflects our fragilitywe should just call ourselves an island part of the U.S. of A. in SOUTH-EAST ASIAANDTEACH SCHOOL KIDS THE WORDS CELLPHONESOR BOOMBOXOR CHIPS!oh Godim losing it........i hate the newsi really hate itmainly because its politicaland i HATE politicsbecause politics make decisions for alot of peopleandit suck to be ordered aroundand alsopolitics creates controversytell me how does protests comes about?is it because i sit my ass all day at home?nope.its not.does a country and watever it does have to revolve around the government and its politics?nothing is in the news other than politicsdats why i DONT watch the news or read the paperand excuse me,THAT doesnt affect my English AT ALLthe television and the papers are abusive of our social AND academic know wad?whatever.oh yeah just to enlightened myself and really calm my nerves, here's one: oh man not another hot knowppl always say cute and handsome NEVER goes togetherbut this guy herelives to prove the statement WRONGwhoever come up with that stupid clinche,gotta kill this hottie!andim DEFINITELY calmed!