i hate...
i never did really like ARTactually hated iti doodledi dun DRAWafter sec 2, i swore myself to get my ass in Science classso that i could get the hell out of Art classand when i dun want things,i always do anything in my power to get out of thingsi studied like shitto get to the best classit doesnt matter how i will suffer later in a science classjust as long as i DUN TAKE ARTi succeeded6 years of utter blissno ARTi feel sorry for my friends who took Artthey have to drag their studies becoz of ArtArt sucksArt hold you downandi still feel sorry for my brotherwho took Artwakakkaaka...but little did i knowthat 6 years later,when i indulge myself in all or nothing but DESIGNSi got myself into a specialised design courseandiamsoUPSET :(that theres a DRAWING STUDIO as one of the moduleEXERCISE THE EYE FOR DETAILthe lecturer would saywad shit...and so i learnt from scratchhow to drawand sketchand shadepeople know how little my patience isi keep MIA-ing during drawing studiocoz i JUST CANT DRAW ARTART is expressiveIM NOT EXPRESSIVEseveral times i asked Sabby for helpand those several times she told me that Art is all about PATIENCEArrrghh!!time and time againshe said PATIENCE is everything in shading shitand after many classeswith gritted teethclenched fista longing feeling of stomping out of the studio,I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE TO DRAW NUDES!WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!!isthisdesign??but ya know what...i haf to go thru this for another 1 and half year moreso i go with iti have gone thru Art for 2 yearsi can go thru this temporarilyand i find drawing boobs and lots of tight asses...funnywaKhahaKAHAHAHAHand soohere are my masterpieceswill definitely be in my portfolio...firstthe mannequins as practice it isnt finish but thats as much time as the lecturer gave us.. this one is 10 min sketch..the mannequin's boob was too small and the ass too non-existent so i gave her perkier boob and fuller ass...wahahahahaha...wad do you expect? i was freaking bored...4hours of shit ass drawing class...and oh ya..some racist chinese boy signed my drawing "By Malay gurl" blardie!
so heres the real life pics
and i find myself finding it hard to draw boobsheheheh...
contrary to that, i find drawing men's body alot easier than womendrawing and shading rippling muscles alot more challenging than women's breasts hah!
this is my favourite so far.. SPORTY MEN...I LOIKE! im pretty good huh? khekhekhekhekhe!
and here is an oil-pastel piece by me and Vincent, Impressionism style inspired by Vincent Van Gogh..This piece is done by the two of us in 20 mins and it looked like its done by one person...that shows that we're such a good team! wohoo!it looked kinda messy..but its actually a good piece of ART wakhakhaakhahaka.. i dunno my lecturer is JUST LIKE MS.CHUA even it is not nice to our eyes its beautiful to hers yeah..whatever.. BLABLABLA oh ya... i had enough of naked men and ladies when is it going to end...?? I STILL HATE ART YA KNOW.. :( :( :(
  ok.. i was REEEEAAALLLYYY bored i got ready early and Fifie was late his friend's tak gune nak mampos punye BMW had to be sent for servicing to fix the bloody break pedal and i haf to wait for four shit hours heh so... i took pictures of myself kwangkwangkwangkwang! i tell you I WAS FUCKING BORED hahahah when Fifie came to fetch me, i showed him the pictures he said i got nothing better to do hehehe! i pester him to get himself and his mom a new car la asyik pinjam-pinjam kawan aje in the end break pedal cock-up kene repair let people freeload dier for free bodoh macam biskut.. but we did go for car shopping that day den went Bugis to get himself some t-shirts and proceeded to Topman to buy some smart pants i tink shopping grew out of me dunno why i dun lust for new clothes anymore la just being there for Fifie la he ask me to go shopping wif him after all, he's the one who has always been there for me man..the various trips to the doctor he's the one who has been sending me back and forth and being so patient wif me when i cry like somebody died when i being such a bitch when i scream at his face for nothing urm...alot of times heh..i still feel guilty for that i owe him alot all i can offer him now is to be there for him wah mamat SIA-Engineer dah naik pangkat seeeey cepat seeeey woohooo! kahkahkahkahakhahakah! ... me, sab and Kakis so need a holiday man...another girl's heart is broken my sister is a great woman why her 3year boyfriend just abandon her like dat haiz.. another coward asshole fucking SHITHEAD ... just met Sab on Sunday but i still miss her the one person one reason for me to keep going on oh yeahnobody mess wif her whoever.. have to go thru me first ...
my assignment...i rock my 1st design is a 3D model-thats my baby (took me a week to create this) my 2nd design is a stencil (took me 4 days) my 3rd design is a DJ ala Picasso style (took me a few hours of developments hehe) 4 weeks of rendering, rejections, development and research and i still got a B+ how unfair :( but i still rock -sue rocks!-
why?why do you have to let him stab you in the back? i might be the one that have gone totally mental
i might be the one that have all those crazy panic attacks
i might be the one taking all those pills
i might be the one who have to in and out of the doctor's office
but i am one thing for sure that i am just so DETERMINE to get
im progressing
im recovering
im taking one small step at a time
im getting there
you want to know why?
because I freaking WANT TO LET GO
its not what you HAVE to do
its a matter whether you WANT to or not
its your choice
if u really want to get on with your life
without that asshole,
i suggest you think what you have been doing
if you're telling me that you've tried
i dun see how hard
because damn hell you're not trying hard enough
you keep falling back
everytime you realise that he's not worth your love
you move on a little and when u start missing him,
you fall back to square one
i ask you, Hid..what is it that you want?
you keep U-turning
when are you advancing?
you let him win
i dun get it..why are you giving him more space to destroy you?
i know it's hard, Hid
no one says its going to be easy either
and you're making it harder for yourself
but for you to just give up, just....
i dont know...its pretty frustrating
i was so hoping that you know wad life means to you
im still am hoping
that you would open your eyes
look around you
you never knew how wide the world is
your world is narrow now Hid
now your world is all about that asshole
maybe you've seen how wide the world is
you just push reality away
hoping that the matrep will change
he's not going to change
you will have to
you have expected people who loves you to scream at you
and also be disappointed in you
and u let us be disappointed in you?
why do you let people who genuinely loves you get disappointed?
why do you let people who genuinely loves you get their heart's broken?
why do you let that matrep, the person who destroys you, a chance?
why not give yourself a chance?
why not give us, people who care for you, some more space to love you even more?
dont tell me you CANT do it
you can
its just that...you dont allow yourself to be able to do it
im going to be terribly sorry if you tell me, "Oh Suly...I've tried but I cant help it!" oh for fuck's sake, Hid..nobody can help it sheer determination has to be your bestfren now ur family and frens..even me..this is as far as we can help you to be there for you, to help you see, to advice you thats all and beyond that, its all you ... dun let him win, Hid im begging you please dun let him win i'll be at the sidelines.. cheering you on with the same faith as everybody else Faith in you
remember mr.hottie??
yesim the one who first called him abang khayrol when we were 14and everybody starts calling him dat too..6 years later,and the name still sticks (wich is now)everybody still calls him dat!i remember the very first time he talks"ITS MORPHINE TIME!"wakhakhahakha!it still makes me laugh like helland yes, the gang still talk about ithehehe LMAO!!!i remember in school,when we push each other to be the bestand in the end..HE always comes out better than mebyafewmarksWTH..(i so can beat you in MATHS laaalalalalla)i know..he's a smart smart guyone guy with the looks AND the brainandi kinda miss him...he looked me up thru friendster just recentlyi guess he miss me too WAHAHAHAHAyes he doeshe doesstupid abang khayrolgone missing for bitches yearsden come back to haunt me...YOU ARE MY ABANG KHAYROLANDMY MR.HOTTIEsyazwan has started to call u mr.hottie now wich is kinda weirdwei SAB lets tarik abang khayrol pegi dancefloorwakhakhakahakha!!...haiz..i wish i stay happy forever..hmmm...... exactly 6 years ago today,Saiful passed awaythough he was my first love dramatically cut by his deathi still haf a part of him in my heartim still so in love wif ubut ur deadheh..:)i know you're happy up thereand that you have been looking over for melove you alwaysoh wells...you are my only one"Only One" Broken this fragile thing now And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces And I've thrown my words all around But I can't, I can't give you a reason I feel so broken up (so broken up) And I give up (I give up) I just want to tell you so you know Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you You are my only one I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do You are my only, my only one Made my mistakes, let you down And I can't, I can't hold on for too long Ran my whole life in the ground And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone And something's breaking up (breaking up) I feel like giving up (like giving up) I won't walk out until you know Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you You are my only one I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do You are my only, my only one Here I go so dishonestly Leave a note for you my only one And I know you can see right through me So let me go and you will find someone Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you You are my only one I let go, there's just no one, no one like you You are my only, my only one My only one My only one My only one You are my only, my only one
shattered tears
i tried my darnest to erase u from myselfmy hardestmy alland i realise there's a part in me who doesnt want to let goi did my very best to release that tensionits like forcing open a clenched fist with a wrencherits hardits fucking hardits her faultshe made me sit back, close my eyes and relaxshe told me to imagine his facedenshe told me to imagine his face smilingtears starts welling up but i held it backshe told me to imagine his face smiling and holding a babydats wen tears started to roll down my cheeks...hot tearsshe saw but she continuedshe told me to imagine his face smiling, holding a baby and a woman standing beside himi couldnt take iti just couldnt take itim still very much in pain...and it hurtsmy supposed last appointmenthas changedi still haf to go back there againi wanted to be okayi dun wan to be like thisbut why when applying formulas to theory i just failed miserably?i try to be strong for Hid, deep inside, im crumblingwhen i hear how dat stoopid Ariffin just abandon Sab,i remembered how Yan abandon me exactly like thatwhen i read dat she cries at nighti turn in bed at night and cried for her toowhy do we haf to face such treatmentits crueleverytime i face sab,i knew deeply how she feels insideand my heart just bleeds...why?why cant u just fucking face me and tell me the whole fucking truthwhy Ariffin, why cant u face Sab and tell her wads wrong?for u to just fuck itwhy dont u just fuck it about telling straight to MY FACE... Fifie told me he miss the old Suei miss my old self tooi have tobring myself back...im going to dread the next few appointmentswhy do i haf to go thru shitfor an assholei hate my life...
 the countless sleepless nights overloaded assignments over-extensive workloads never-ending demand for designs and the endless appointments degrades my appearance a hell lot the humongous eyebags under my eyes are so conspicous hell I LOOK HORRIBLE :( Labels: eyebags
remember, remember, the 5th of september
 YES! FINALLY! I FREAKING GOT A NEW HANDPHONE WAKAKAKAKA! the Xpress music phone Nokia 5300 though its kind of out-dated tapi takpela the long-awaited phone hmm... lalalalala a present from my sister for a damn belated bday and also a gift for my recovery ... i will be going for an appointment this coming tuesday hopefully it'll be the last one tired sia.. its shits to be depressed la why why why do i haf to go thru heartaches and pain?? so unfair :( ... however, my weekends are pretty packed will be meeting a bestfren from primary school tomorrow how exciting! i cant wait to meet her though..!! oh dat will be in the afternoon after that, haf to meet the gang for dinner DEAREST DALI BDAY wahlau..dun bring ur gf la bro takle giler2 saks bodoh den... sunday got class BABI-Q kind of lazy to go but haf to go coz of the $6.50 spenditure WEAK! and oh ya ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENTS how pack can my head be?? ... im kind of glad that im in this crazy-work-overload-course which keep me super duper busy and also im really happy that i haf such great frens who help me to bypass my misery by keeping my weekends packed so that most of the time i wont be thinking about u as i always do it takes time for me to make u a NON-EXISTENCE i really hope that I will never see your damn face again i shall receive NO HEARTACHES this year please ... oh ya sab i will always be here,there,everywhere,anywhere whenever u need me no matter how depressed or how crazy i am meeting u just blows my troubles away ... my doktor giler asked me if i miss him i said, "Always." den she asked me if i keep thinking about him i said, "I try not to but I do.All the time." she asked me how have i been doing so far i told her i haf successfully kept myself busy,happy and keep my head off him 80% of the time..and i told her thinking about him before i go to sleep is inevitable..it is a quiet time where my mind is clear and he just pops up.. she told me to engage myself in a book before i go to sleep gradually i will not think about him anymore and stop missing him and IT KIND-OF WORK ... when Saiful died, i was terribly emotionally unstable until now, i have never visited his grave not going there, keeps me going now so it keeps me going, if Yan just never reappear at my face so please eh keep ur distance ... my ex-neighbour, Fifie,has been a dear he was with me right from the start i fell 6 feet under he sent me to doktor giler for EVERY SINGLE appointments i feel kinda guilty what will other people think of him, sitting outside waiting for some maniac girl to finish her appointment every week? but he refused to listen to me so.. yah.. hate to menyusahkan orang la haiyaaak!!! but the really good thing about him is.. HE NEVER SPOKE A SINGLE COMMENT ABOUT YAN bcoz from the start he respected Yan A hell lot. i dunno why.. however he's not siding anybody thats great abt him ... i went for a visit to Fifie's house to meet his mother and she cried when she sees me i was surprised at that reaction she loves me like her own daughter i felt bad i made alot of people cry becoz of my fall i hate tears its so upsetting THE NEXT PERSON WHO BAWLS AT MY FACE, WILL GET A REAL GOOD BITCH-SLAP/SMACK ACROSS HIS/HER FACE FROM ME wakakakaaka and im not kidding ... its funny that my mom told me dat if a guy wants to get to know me, remember to ask for his age wahahahaha MY MOM IS SOOOO CUTE LA! khekhehekhehkehe! ... i miss my belo-ness MUST RECOVER FAST! Labels: road to recovery