we met 4 years agomy gosh its been 4 years?
i remembered
the first time i saw you
i liked the way you styled your hair
it was the kind that you styled
and the rest followed
den u stopped styling like dat
coz everybody is doing it
you settled to normal
we exchanged numbers
but we never contact each other
we only talk wen we met
never in 4 years
not until yesterday
out of the blue
you messaged me
havent seen you for a while
something is definitely not right
and you're not telling me
that one simple msg can be such a shock to me
you didnt say anything out of ordinary
so i shant jump the gun here
just yet
i have another issue
which is directed to me recently
im just gonna say this
dont blame me OR others for
what your life has become right now
tink where loyalty lies within your circle
why it never existed?
its not because we're all fucked up
you are
oh yes..
i need to clear something up
before people think otherwise
i was chilling out with raff after work
this picture right here

was the wallpaper for my handphone
raff was like, "I've seen this one before..you went out with **** and had this picture taken.."
for those who've been tricked
the picture above is taken on FADLI'S BIRTHDAY LAST YEAR
we were waiting for Fadli to come down because we were making a surprise party for him
it was uploaded on friendster and facebook
so its easy for people to just take it down
placed in their creepy handphone wallpaper
and tell fucked up LIES to people
you tell him we went out on a date and dat you were the one taking that picture of me
fuck you
we never done any of that you creep
you are what i thought you are
"i'm not like all guys..." shit you
you disgust me
im so glad i never believe ANYTHING you've said to me
you're goals in life are as fucked up as you are
you motherfucker-good-for-nothing fucking fuck fuck
youre a sad excuse for a guy
i hate liars
as far as i know
you're one of them
it only takes a liar
my brother's way of denying a girl's offer on a date
was classic
some shameless girl from friendster just asked him out for a meetup
his fabricated excuse was...
"I just fell down the stairs and I broke my frontal teeth so I have a gap in my mouth,"
and the stupid girl never contacted him ever again.
its either she got the hint or that she's so fucking shallow
that she doesnt want to go out with a guy with a gap in between in teeth
either way it doesnt matter
my brother got rid of her
its so funny
Labels: creep
went to IT fair twice with fadlithe first time along with fidathe place...hmm...HANTU siolfadli did not intend to buy anything there but just to accompany mebut he ended up buying something tooandyours trulybought a super big external HDD - 640GB(like fuckin' FINALLY document backups for my poor Emi Suejitsu)at a very cheap price2 thumbdrives 4GB and 2GBof course the smaller one is for my brotherwhich made that little bastard very happyand an external USB portsfor that extremely pampered Chilli Padi
i had a fun time at the fair
laughing my ass off
fadli was crazy in love with the rotating coloured USB port
but he broke the ports apart
in which he dared not buy
what an idiot
i just striked off 3 items from my important to-buy listthe kid came to meand asked"what are you doing?"i said"you're not suppose to be here you pathetic little loser. now get lost!"i tinkit'll take that stupid kid 10 more years to fully understand what pathetic meansand that girl whose at the computer most of the timehave insulted him 10 years agowad a bitch, he finally realised
maybe i should just say, "get the fuck away"
so he'll be so curious and ask his mother
what fuck means
just like how i asked my mother what it meant
15 years ago
i dont smilei have serious issues with smiley people
i hate people smiling at me for no reason
i dont make them smile
why are they smiling at me
smiley smiling people are fake
fuckin' fake
world of hypocrisy
i get it
i fuckin' get it
i wont succumb to that world
smiles are lies
i hate lies
smile when u're amused
smile when u think of something sweet/good
smile when u're a sadist motherfarker
dont smile to/for people
smile to yourself
smile for yourself
a benefit you gain by yourself
and thats...genuine
crazy people smile to themselves because they're real
they dont care about what others might think of them
its that 'others' who think people who smile to themselves are crazy
its that 'others' who are fake
picture this.
i made a lame joke.
u either laugh or you said, "thats fuckin' lame."
u smile, u know its lame but u dont want me to know
because ure a fake
a liar
what about this.
i pick a shirt and i said its cool
u either agree or you disagree
u smile, you think i have bad taste
but u aint telling me
do you get me?
do you fuckin' get me?
and the i-know-something-you-dont-know-smile
its fucked up
but imma like it
i wont be deceived by those who smile.
the world is not as flowery as you hope it would be
when theres people
theres no peace
accept that
so long smiley motherfuckers.